How can we serve you?
We say "we" because although Tom functions as the visionary and primary leader, our team includes a network of gifted friends and family who serve our ministry efforts.
We say "you" because instead of coming in with our own agenda, our heart is to serve church leadership and congregations within the context of what God has called them to be and to accomplish. There are several ways "we" can be of support and encouragement to "you".
Worship Leading
- Worship leading for church services, nights of worship, special meetings, retreats, conferences, etc.
Interim Worship Solutions / Consulting
We provide interim worship services for churches experiencing worship leadership transitions - from behind the scenes consulting to complete oversight of church worship departments.
Training / mentoring / Teaching
- Equipping and mentoring worship leaders and worship teams in the spiritual and practical aspects of worship ministry.
- Teaching congregations and institutions in the areas of worship, intimacy with God, and practical Christian living.
In recent years, Tom and Susanne have joined with Rich and Linda Case and Living Waters Abide Ministries in conducting Spiritual Renewal Retreats for Ministry and Marketplace leaders.
We have produced worship recordings that have been a blessing and resource to many individuals and churches. Tom has written songs that have been recognized and recorded by a few Christian labels, and sung around the world.
Relationship / ENCOURAGEMENT
We've experienced the personal, emotional and spiritual challenges of being in leadership for almost four decades. More than an itinerant ministry that just does its thing and moves on, we value extended relationship with the leaders we are privileged to serve.