Sacred Place is a collection of songs I’ve written or co-written with my friend and producer, Jay Stocker over the past few years. Most of them were birthed out of very meaningful times in the presence God during significant seasons in my life. All of these songs, with the exception of "Quiet Time" and "Smile," were written in the context of worship and are meant to be not just listened to, but used as a tool to worship God and abide in His presence. "Quiet Time" came pouring out of my heart as a prayer one morning when I was feeling very overwhelmed and burned out. I decided to include it on this recording because special intimacies with God can be discovered when we draw close to Him during the confusing and difficult times of life. The last song "Smile," is a total pendulum swing from "Quiet Time." It’s a picture of life in the light of God’s truth and mercy. (Released in 2006)